Actress and activist Meghan Markle is speaking out in a new editorial for to mark International Women’s Day. In the piece, Markle speaks about how the social stigmas associated with menstruation have a large impact on the future of young women in many societies, particularly when it comes to educational achievement.
”From sub-Saharan Africa to India, Iran, and several other countries, the stigma surrounding menstruation and lack of access to proper sanitation directly inhibit young women from pursuing an education.
Based on societal ignominy in the developing world, shame surrounding menstruation and its direct barrier to girls education remains a hushed conversation. As a result, both household dialogue and policy making discussions often leave Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) off the table. Former First Lady Michelle Obama spoke directly about this subject at the World Bank in April 2016, and various NGOs actively seek out policy reform and programming to address this concern, yet the topic remains neglected.”
Markle continues to on to detail some of the changes needed to improve the situation for girls and women in these countries including access to more modern hygienic facilities, education of populations to the nature of this issue with an eye towards equality. You can read her entire piece here.