Today at Mobile World Congress 2009, Microsoft launched Windows Mobile 6.5, the next major update to its smartphone OS. The design completely updates the main interface with Zune like menus and new “honeycomb” home screen with a lock screen that shows quick notifications. All the changes have touch screen phones in mind and the use of gestures. A new requirement for a Windows button on all phones ensures every device can jump back easily regardless of where they are in the OS.
The free My Phone service is the connected hub of Windows Mobile 6.5. It lets and users automatically sync calendars, contacts, and media with a cloud service that can be accessed through the web.
The new version of Internet Explorer Mobile with the update support real H L rendering, embedded Flash and Silverlight plug-ins.
Marketplace for Mobile lis Mcosoft’s answer to Apple’s App Store or RIM’s BlackBerry Application Center, the portal will serve as a central gateway for Windows Mobile apps and will let users sign in with a Windows Live ID to download apps. But you will be able to access the Maretplace from a PC via the web. Some Apple and RIM does not let you do at this time.
LG and HTC announced the LG’s GM7300, the HTC Touch Diamond and Touch Pro phones will be upgradeable to Windows Mobile 6.5. As of now we won’t see 6.5 on shipping devices until the second half of 2009.