Bell on Tuesday launched the Netgear Turbo Hub, a router that lets users connect up to 15 wireless devices on an HSPA+ network. It provides speeds of up to 21Mbps and is designed for semi-mobile use. The Turbo Hub shares chiefly over Wi-Fi but has Ethernet for wired links.
Offered as an alternative to wired Internet services, the Turbo Hub normally offers download speeds of 7.2Mbps unless users opt for the optional data feature for $10CAD ($9.80) that allows access to the HSPA+ network. Plans start at $35 CAD for 3GB per month but adjust to the amount of data usage that is actually used.
The Netgear Turbo Hub is an exclusive in Canada for Bell and costs $150CAD on a two-year contract or $300 CAD contact-free