ZooLoo.com has launched a new blogging service, iPhone app and storefront today offering individuals and professionals the ability to promote themselves and their interests from their own domain and social networks simultaneously. The company is promoting new services including custom site design for personal and small businesses as well as enterprise solutions for larger organizations.
The “Graffiti Blog” is ZooLoo’s new spin on blogging and allows users to publish links, thoughts, status, quotes, photos and videos to their site and simultaneously share the posts to their favorite social networks including Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and now LinkedIn. Users can post content from their ZooLoo Homepage or with the ZooLoo Share Button or new iPhone application.
“Graffiti truly redefines what it means to blog,” says ZooLoo CEO Jeff Herzog. “ZooLoo allows you to easily post content and be social from your own domain name.”
With ZooLoo’s new storefront users can choose from one of four packages or customize their own. Some of the features include:
Custom domain names
- Web Dashboards that bring all of your interests into one place
- Patent-pending privacy manager
- Customizable site pages using ZooLoo’s site creator
- Third party tracking integration
- Photo manager and gallery.
Each feature can be purchased with monthly micro-payments. Learn about ZooLoo.com’s features: www.zooloo.com/home/zooLooFeatures