BBC America has released a new photo from the upcoming third season of “Orphan Black” The upcoming season of “Orphan Black” finds the sisters fending off deadly military clones. The newly revealed image shows Ari Millen as the lethal “Rudy” — aka “Scarface.” The Castor clone with the menacing scar and mohawk has a gun in hand.
“I think the one thing you can say about Rudy,” Millen said at Saturday’s Television Critics Assn. in Pasadena, “is he likes to get under people’s skin and then he’ll dig, he’ll pick at you, pick at you, and then he’s won.”
“Orphan Black” co-creator/director/exec producer John Fawcett said, “Rudy is a threat to the sisters, to the girls.” He described him as a “dangerous character who is very, very smart and very ruthless.”
Fawcett also teased the season, admitting the finale is the best of the entire series. He also teased a few new characters coming up, including a scorpion that crawls all over a manic Helena in the upcoming episodes. “The scorpion is a cast member,” he confirmed. Justin Chatwin and James Frain also join season three.
“James Frain plays a really amazing, scary guy that’s come in from Topside and is a very dangerous threat to our girls,” Fawcett detailed.
Chatwin plays Jason Kellerman, a new character in Alison’s world. “He’s interesting. That’s an interesting character because he’s kind of an old high school fling of Alison’s and kind of gets in the way…and causes some issues between Donnie and Alison.”
“Orphan Black” returns on April 18.