In April 2005, Adobe acquired Macromedia. In 2007, after considerable pressure from all the large wireless companies and other mobile device players, Adobe released these rights. Now anyone can write their own Adobe Flash player, free of any licensing fees. The news was made public on May 1st, 2008 and that is when the Open Screen Project was born.
Made to Order Software has started development on a new version of its SSWF multimedia library, an Open Source C/C++ library used to create professional Adobe Flash animation software. It already allowed thousands to create Flash animations. The library will soon allow our users to also load Flash files, which opens the door to creating Flash players and other Flash tools without the need to handle all the details of the complex Flash file format. Made to Order Software offers support and training to businesses so they can quickly create software that delivers rich interactive content.
SSWF supports most of the tags available in Flash version 9. It includes an ActionScript compiler and a scripting language to quickly learn about Adobe Flash animations. It can be downlaoded from
- Download SSWF,
- Detailed technical documentation,
- Made to Order Software Corporation,
- Open Screen Project by Adobe Systems Inc.,