Nickelodeon has ordered 20 episodes of the animated series “Pinky Malinky,” with plans to augment its TV airings with shortform content for various social-media platforms. Co-created by Chris Garbutt and Rikke Asbjoern, the show follows the life of a hot dog dubbed Pinky Malinky and his friends as they navigate school and life with a unique perspective. Scott Kreamer (“Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness”) is exec producing for Nickelodeon Animation Studios, with Garbutt and Asbjoern serving as co-exec producers.
“Pinky Malinky” will use mockumentary and reality show tropes to allow the characters to speak directly to the camera.
“In this fast-paced digital age, the online extensions in this brand-new series are another example of how Nickelodeon meets the needs of our kids who want to access content anytime and everywhere,” said Russell Hicks, Nickelodeon’s president of content development and production.