Nokia has updated its C5-00 smartphone. The Symbian-based phone, now branded the C5-00 5MP, sports a 5.0-megapixel EDoF (enhanced depth of field) camera, an upgrade from its earlier 3.2-megapixel version. Other enhancements include a boost from 50MB to 270MB of internal storage to help handle photo demands and a doubling of RAM to 256MB.
The C5-00 5MP is a candybar smartphone. It comes with a 2.2 inch, 240×320 pixels display. Also integrated are GPS and a stereo FM radio.
Nokia launched the original C5-00 in March 2010. It has followed up with two additional models in the series, the touchscreen C5-03, and the 3G C5-04.
There has been much speculation as to how long Nokia would continue to develop and support Symbian-based phones, now that it has thrown its weight behind Windows Phone. The company has already indicated that its recently announced N9 smartphone, which runs MeeGo, another OS that the company at one time had championed, might be its last. Nokia’s CEO, Stephan Elop, however, has confirmed that the company is committed to supporting Symbian at least through 2016.
The C5-00 5MP should be available later this summer. The price is expected to be approximately £120 ($192 US).