We’ve written about the OSVR software platform and its initiative to bring an open source platform for developing VR software to life multiple times now. The group, comprised of over 100 companies working in virtual reality software and hardware development, has released three different versions of OSVR Hacker Development kits, but they have never been widely available. Razer has had signups for more information open for some time, but only selected developers have been given the chance to purchase kits.
Today that changes. OSVR announced that pre-orders for the OSVR Hacker Development Kit v1.3 have been opened up to the general public.
Prior to making the announcement public, Razer sent a notice 24 hours in advance to over 10,000 pre-registrants, and as a result, the first batch of publicly available development kits have been sold out already. Orders are being accepted for the second shipment, and production is being ramped up to meet the high demand.
The OSVR Hacker Development Kit v1.3 is available for pre-order on the Razerzone webstore. The HMD kit is priced at $299.99 and comes with free shipping to some countries — but be warned, this is not a consumer-ready product. The OSVR headset is meant for developers designing VR software and hobbyists who like to tinker.