ESPN Consumer Products announced the launch of X Games PunkMyPic, giving action sports fans the ability to put themselves into an authentic X Games poster. All you have to do is simply text or email a personal image to to create a free customized poster that can be shared with one click via social networks, mobile phones or online. You can also download the poster for free to print at home or purchase an optional upgrade to a professionally printed poster.
“ESPN continues to develop products with our licensees that strive to enhance the action sports experience for consumers,” said Chris Brush, vice president of marketing, ESPN. “PunkMyPic is another way for us to bring the excitement of the X Games brand directly into the hands of our fans.”
Chett Paulsen, CEO, aVinci said: “Mobile phones have become a favorite way to take pictures for sharing with friends and family on mobile platforms and over social networks. The X Games brand is the perfect partner for our easy- to-use technology, allowing action sports fans to spontaneously create posters on the go.”