“Real Time With Bill Maher” has been renewed through 2018, HBO announced Saturday at their Television Critics Association summer press tour presentation. Season 15 is scheduled to air in 2017, and Season 16 is scheduled for 2018. The show is currently averaging 4.4 million viewers and enjoying its most-watched season since the show’s 2003 debut year.
“Bill Maher’s fearless and irreverent insights make him an important voice of common sense,” said Casey Bloys, president, HBO programming. “We are happy to extend our partnership and continue to provide him with the same uncensored forum that he’s enjoyed on the network since the late ’80s.”
“As long as Washington keeps serving up crazy, we’ll be there to push it around the plate,” Maher added. “In these turbulent, uncertain times, I can’t think of anything more important than me being on TV.”
HBO also announced that it will make the entire run of the classic comedy “The Larry Sanders Show” available on HBO Now, HBO Go, HBO On Demand and affiliate portals beginning Friday, September 23, and HBO Comedy starting Monday, Sept. 26. The show debuted in 1992 and ran for six seasons.