This spring, Barry Allen will be going up against one of Central City’s most notorious villains. And even though Reverse-Flash’s first appearance in DC COMICS-THE NEW 52 was seen in THE FLASH #17, it’ll be issue #20 of the series that launches an all-new and monumental story arc that will find him really solidifying his place in The Flash’s gallery of rogues.
“His relationship with the Flash is completely different than previous Reverse-Flashes,” series co-writer Buccellato says about Reverse-Flash. “He’s not created as a counterpoint to Flash, but his growth as Reverse-Flash comes from his dealings with Flash. So he doesn’t start off as a guy who’s against Flash, but it’s through the story arc that he is linked to Flash.”
“Issue #20 is a great jumping on point for new readers. We’re really establishing Barry’s civilian life, with him being with Patty and his job in the precinct working on the cold cases,” series co-writer and artist Francis Manapul continued to “He more or less has an ideal life until all these Speed Force murders start occurring. A lot of people that he cares about are in danger and he has to figure out who Reverse-Flash is before all these people get killed.”
The issue hits comic shops on May 22.