British actor Robbie Kay, who played the villainous Peter Pan on ABC’s “Once Upon a Time,” has joined the cast of NBC’s upcoming 13-episode event series, “Heroes Reborn.” He’ll star opposite Zachary Levi and Jack Coleman. Deadline says Kay will play a new character, but the network is not sharing any details regarding the character at this time.
Kay’s credits also include Fugitive Pieces, Pinocchio and Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
“Heroes Reborn” will debut this year as a limited series reboot of the popular show. The original series chronicled the life-changing stories of a series of unrelated ordinary people who discovered they had superhuman abilities. As the saga unfolded, they learned they were part of a grand plan that brought them together to change the world.
Prior to the debut of “Heroes Reborn,” NBC is expected to launch a digital series that will introduce the characters and new storylines. Plot details for the new episodes have yet to be disclosed, but the series is said to follow a new stand-alone story arc.
“Heroes” creator Tim Kring is executive producing with James Middleton and Peter Elkoff. Matt Shakman is directing the opening episode.