Samsung on Thursday announced a partnership with Marvel designed to showcase the graphic capabilities of its new Galaxy Tab S tablets, a direct challenger to the Apple iPad. With the July release of the Galaxy Tab S, users will receive a free three-month subscription to Marvel Unlimited, the digital service that features more than 13,000 issues from the publisher’s catalog. Over the next year, tablet owners will also receive early peeks at Marvel Studios films, including The Avengers: Age of Ultron, as well as access to Marvel One-Shots and other content.
The agreement also calls for “the world of Samsung Mobile” to be seamlessly integrated into the Marvel Universe, both on the screen and on the page, which translates as product placement in films and comic books.
“Partnering with Marvel gives us the opportunity to bring our industry-leading mobile display technology to life,” Samsung’s Younghee Lee said in a statement. “Through visual storytelling made possible by Marvel’s outstanding entertainment universe, Samsung’s Galaxy users will be able to enjoy the maximum of our product benefits.”