Samsung has unveiled the ST80, a 14.2 mega-pixel point-and-shoot camera that joins Samsung’s growing line of Wi-Fi enabled digital cameras. With wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi and Samsung’s AllShare (DNLA) connectivity, the ST80 makes it easy to share images on the move and keep friends and family updated from anywhere at any time.
Beauty and Brains
The ST80 features a slim and rounded design, which houses a 3x optical zoom as well as a large, 3.0-inch wide touch-screen on the back of the camera. Consumers will enjoy the smart features found within the camera. The ST80 comes equipped with Samsung’s new -˜Smart Crop’ feature, a unique editing tool which takes place directly on the camera. With -˜Smart Crop,’ users can crop images taken at any angle or slant, such as banners or signs, and then straighten them as if they were originally taken straight on. The ST80 also makes it easy to capture great images with Samsung’s Smart Auto (Still & Movie) scene recognition technology. Smart Auto (Still & Movie) automatically recognizes the user’s current shooting environment and selects the appropriate settings to achieve the best results possible.
In addition to the 14.2 mega-pixel resolution for digital still images, the ST80 offers HD video recording. At 30 frames-per-second, the ST80 allows consumers to record high-quality, 720p HD video utilizing the H.264 format, which provides up to three times more recording capacity than the MJPEG video format.
Wirelessly Connected
The ST80’s wireless connectivity makes it easy for users to upload or share digital images or videos with others directly from the camera without the need to be connected to a computer. By leveraging an available Wi-Fi internet connection, consumers have the option to email their digital images and video to individual email addresses or to those stored in the camera’s address book. In addition to email, consumers can also effortlessly upload images and videos directly to social networking sites such as Facebook, Picasa, YouTube, Photo Bucket or even Samsung’s own Web site . The ST80 range also comes equipped with an account with mobile hotspot provider Boingo, delivering broadband speeds in the palm of your hands at more than 120,000 Wi-Fi hotspots across the world.
The ST80’s wireless connectivity is further enhanced by Samsung’s AllShare technology. Thanks to AllShare, users can effortlessly sync the ST80 to popular DLNA-compliant (Digital Living Network Alliance) electronics found throughout the home, such as HDTVs and digital photo frames, and wirelessly connect and share content between each device.