After the international launch of its Galaxy S III, Samsung has also launched its new Music Hub Premium service to compete with Apple’s iTunes and iTunes Match. The new cloud-based subscription music service aims to put Samsung on a more even footing with iTunes. For 10 euros a month subscribers can access up to 19 million songs, while also offering a Scan and Match Cloud Locker functionality giving them remote access to tunes that they already own.
The new Music Hub service will initially be available only on the Galaxy S III, although Samsung says that it will be eventually offered across its devices, including a version for iOS. Powered by recent Samsung acquisition mSpot, the new music service will be available through a browser-based app, and on up to five devices.
For unmatched tunes, Samsung will offer users up to 100GB of cloud-based storage. The service also includes personal radio and programmed stations, genre stations as well as recommendations based on a user’s listening habits. Users can download tunes and listen to them offline, while they will also have the option to access their library through