Samsung has announced that it has started shipping its DualView, Wi-Fi enabled DV300F pocket camera around the globe. However, while the company has made the product available on time, it may retail for anywhere up to $260 although it had been priced at $199 during CES 2012. The camera is the latest in its line of DualView cameras and features a second 1.5-inch front display giving subjects a better sense of how they appear when a photo is taken,
The front facing display also allows users to see when a timer is counting down to take a shot and can also display a ‘Children Mode’ designed to capture the attention of toddlers and babies so that they look at the camera. On the rear of the DV300F, the main display is a 3.0-inches, while it captures photos in 16-megapixels with a 25mm wide-angle 5x optical zoom F2.5 lens. HD video recording is also supported at 720p and at 30fps.
The built-in Wi-Fi capability DV300F allows users to send photos directly to Facebook and other photo sharing sites including Picasa. The Wi-Fi capability also lets users share photos directly to other Wi-Fi enabled devices wirelessly using Wi-Fi Direct and includes tablets, smartphones and Smart TVs.