Samsung has officially launched the Omnia W, its first Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango) smartphone. The device centers on a 3.7-inch Super AMOLED display with an 800×480 resolution. It is powered by a 1.4GHz processor matched with 512MB of RAM. It also incorporates some Samsung-only touches, including access to an e-book client.
Samsung has adopted the Microsoft emphasis on ‘putting people first’ with its Live Tiles function that dynamically updates a user’s Twitter and Facebook feeds. Other services that are directly accessed from the home screen include LinkedIn and Windows Live.
Other enhancements to Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango) include true multitasking, a Wi-Fi hotspot function, enhanced e-mail inbox, voice-to-text, as well as speed and overall stability tweaks. Users also get 25GB of free cloud storage with Microsoft’s Windows Live Sky Drive, which is tied into its Office Hub.
The Omnia W will be available starting in Italy from end-October and gradually rolled to globally including Europe, CIS, Latin America, Africa, South East and South West Asia.