Samsung Mobile has announced the upcoming availability of the Samsung Behold II powered by Android. The Behold II is a full touch-screen phone integrating the open and innovative Android platform from Open Handset Alliance with Samsung’s next generation TouchWiz user interface and T-Mobile’s high-speed 3G network for a rich mobile experience.
The Samsung Behold, the Behold II will be available exclusively from T-Mobile and is currently scheduled to launch before the start of the holidays. The sleek touch-screen phone is the first from T-Mobile USA to feature a 3.2-inch AMOLED screen, which provides crisper colors and wider viewing angles. In addition, the Behold II is equipped with Samsung’s innovative TouchWiz user interface, allowing easy customization with widgets located in a slide out tray on the left side of the home screen and providing one-touch access to a customer’s favorite and most commonly used features and applications. The Behold II offers three different homescreens to drag and drop widgets onto the screen and organize the different workspaces with favorite widgets and application shortcuts. Samsung’s intuitive cube menu also provides quick access to six top multimedia features, including music, photos, videos, the Web, YouTube and Amazon MP3 for music downloads.
The Behold II is designed to keep customers organized and entertained with access to built-in Google mobile services, including Google Search, Google Maps, Gmail, YouTube and Google Talk as well as thousands of applications and games available for download from Android Market. The Wi-Fi-enabled Behold II also supports personal email and corporate email with Exchange ActiveSync, as well as instant messaging, and text, picture and video messaging. Additional features include a 5 megapixel camera with autofocus, flash, five shooting modes and video capabilities, visual voicemail which allows customers to listen to voicemails in order of preference, MP3 player, up to 16GB of external memory, assisted GPS and Bluetooth 2.1.