Housemarque is bringing the twin-stick zombie massacre of Dead Nation to the PS4, according to Sony Computer Entertainment Asia. The Hong Kong PlayStation Blog lists the top-down shooter in a new Apocalypse Edition for the PS4, and says it’ll be part of March’s PlayStation Plus’ freebies for the region.
Housemarque announced an outsourced Vita port of the PS3 game last year, but this is the first word of it coming to the PS4. Interestingly, Korea’s classification board published new Dead Nation ratings today for PS4 and Vita, suggesting the two versions could be released side-by-side. Housemarque has yet to comment.
The PS4 launch saw the Finnish studio bring its intense brand of twin-stick action to the new console with Resogun – a PS Plus game itself – but another offering wouldn’t hurt. Well, it would hurt the zombies, but they deserve it.