Scosche has launched a new iPhone 4 case with a built-in backup battery, the SwitchBACK Surge G4. The case — which also features a kickstand for video — incorporates a 1800mAh lithium-ion supply. It can charge a depleted iPhone up to 80 percent power, and provide an additional 275 hours of standby, 12 hours of talk time, 36 hours of audio, 9 hours of Wi-Fi or 9 hours of video. The company has also launched a free companion iPhone app, which gives users a detailed gauge of usage times remaining. Four blue LED lights on the case indicate battery life; charging is done via a micro USB cable, which can also be used to sync.
The Scosche case is shipping with a pair of backplates in gloss black and silver. It works with AT&T and Verizon iPhone 4 models, and costs $80.