Positech Games has announced a sequel to its interstellar strategy hit Gratuitous Space Battles, that, the developer claims, will make the titular melees between massive spaceship armadas even more ludicrous.
“[Gratuitous Space Battles 2] uses an entirely re-written custom engine, vastly better visual effects, a much-improved GUI, and will feature steam achievements, mod support and some very sexy undisclosed new features,” reads Positech’s official announcement. “The game is especially targeting gamers with multiple monitor setups who enjoy ridiculously over the top space battles, but the engine should comfortably scale down to much older PC’s too. The aim is to replicate all of the OTT silliness of sci-fi movie user-interfaces.”
Though Positech has yet to nail down a solid release date, Gratuitous Space Battles 2 should reach the PC, Mac and Linux platforms in late 2014 or early 2015.