Shigeru Miyamoto is working on Pikmin 3 for Wii U, the Nintendo legend has confirmed in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. While he says he was originally developing the third instalment of the unique action-adventure game, which made its advent on the GameCube in 2001, for the Wii platform, he found the Wii U to be much better suited to the game’s mechanics.
“Originally, I was making Pikmin 3 to be launched on the Wii platform, but because the Wii U is capable of HD quality pictures, and will be accompanied by the subscreen on your hand, I thought that I would be able to make a Pikmin that was closer to my ideal. I am now actually enjoying myself, working on the game.”
Both Pikmin and Pikmin 2 are currently available on Wii as part of the “New Play Control!” line of remastered GameCube games. There has yet to be a formal announcement of Pikmin 3, but with the Wii U launching later this year, it’s possible we’ll hear and see a little more of the game at E3 in the Summer.