Skype today announced the availability of an update to its application for the iPhone and iPad. The newest version of Skype for Apple’s iOS devices adds the ability to send photos to other Skype users for free. According to Skype, there is no limit on the size of the photo sent through its messaging system to other devices, which can be used to circumvent MMS charges. The feature works with images that have been captured directly via the iPhone or iPad’s camera.
Skype has also made improvements to the app’s power management. Skype claims that the app can run in the background for an entire day now and not kill the iPhone or iPad’s battery. Skype also improved the time it takes the application to launch, and the time it takes the contacts list to load.
Download Skype for iPhone and Skype for iPad from the Apple iTunes App Store now. The new Skype for iPad update supports any version of the iPad. The new Skype for iPhone update supports the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4/4S, 3rd Generation iPod touch, or any version of the iPad. Photo and video sharing are already available via Skype for Android.