Skyworks and David Crane, the creators of the iPhone/iPod touch game Arcade Bowling, comes another version of a classic game, Ten Pin Championship Bowling.
The designer have give you the ability to approach the line, ball in hand. One more strike for a perfect game. Your arm swings back, you step forward and release, sending the ball flying toward the pins. Will it be a strike or :gulp: a gutterball? Ten Pin Championship Bowling, it’s everything you remember without the smelly shoes.
Ten Pin Championship Bowling combines incredible graphics and physics with awesome sound-design and camera work to capture the local-color of America’s bowling alleys in this realistic bowling game.
Other features include:
- Choice of two alleys with unique graphics, sound effects and music
- 1 to 4 players locally
- Choice of ball color and weight
- Trophy Room: tracks your High-Game, High-Series, Average and more
- Animated Score Card Display: rewards your accomplishments while displaying your score after every frame
- Accelerometer Controls: allow you to curve the ball down the lane
- Sound and Music volume controls
- Local High Score Board
- Global High Score Board: compete against Bowlers all around the world