Sonim has brought its latest ultra-rugged handset, the XP3300 Force, to the Mobile World Congress show. While the exterior is the same tried and tested design shared by others in the lineup, it differs by offering talk time that ranges between 20 and 24 hours. Alternatively, the phone can last the same amount of time in GPS tracking mode, or up to 800 hours in standby.
That case is made of fiberglass and sports a 1.5mm thick Gorilla Glass window over the display. This and other measures grant the handset with IP-68 rating, meaning it can withstand a six-foot drop onto concrete, submersion in up to six feet of wastewater and temperatures that range from -4 to 131 degrees Fahrenheit.
The phone otherwise gets assisted GPS functionality, a two-megapixel camera with a bright LED flash and digital zoom and quad-band GSM support. GPRS and EDGE data network are also supported. It gets the Opera Mini browser and the City Cruiser navigation.
There are Mobile Resource Management (MRM) applications included as well, allowing for workforce location monitoring, fleet tracking, monitoring, timecard reporting, real-time work order updates, alerts, job scheduling, event confirmation, data collection and reports.
Prices and release dates for the device remain disclosed.