Sony has now confirmed at the Tokyo Game Show, that the PS4 will have gesture and voice control with its Playstation Camera. That makes the eye’s functionality even more similar to the Xbox One’s Kinect 2.0 — the big difference being that Kinect will come bundled with the console, while the eye is an optional add-on.
The Playstation Camera features four mics and two cameras, so this doesn’t come as a huge surprise.
While we don’t know how long this has been in development, on the surface it appears to be another step in the overriding next-gen narrative. The two consoles looked pretty different when we first heard about them, but over the past few months they’ve become more alike. The Xbox ditched its controversial DRM policies in favor of something more like Sony had, and announced an indie games program to boot. Sony appeared to make some moves on TV and has started to announce more about the Camera, which is meant to function a lot like Kinect.