Sony Ericsson has announced that its recent software updates for 2011 Xperia handsets bring support for WebGL. The company claims to be the first to support the WebGL standard in the stock Android browser, enabling users to take advantage of interactive 3D graphics without switching to third-party apps.
To showcase the new capabilities, the company’s developer site includes links to several interactive 3D demos. Users can play around with the Sony Ericsson logo, along with virtual representations of two ninjas and Walt Disney.
Sony Ericsson is not the first company to bring WebGL support to the Android platform, as Firefox Mobile has quietly offered equivalent functionality for some time.
Many developers are turning to WebGL APIs to enhance 3D content on websites, though Microsoft has voiced concerns over security. Google recently added a WebGL option to the Google Maps website for enhanced performance on desktop browsers, making the experience closer to that of the native app for Android devices.