Sony today revealed its first smart watch to run Google’s Android Wear platform. The SmartWatch 3, Sony’s third-generation device, ditches its home-grown platform in favor of Google’s platform for wearables.
Sony says the SmartWatch 3 offers a wider range of stand-alone features when compared to other Android Wear devices. Some include a media player and built-in accelerometer, compass, gyroscope, and GPS for fitness tracking. The screen measures 1.6 inches across the diagonal and includes 320 x 320 pixels set in a stainless steel frame. The SmartWatch 3 is waterproof and dust resistant. It will be sold in several colors in the months ahead.
Sony also announced the SmartBand Talk, a wearable that uses a 1.4-inch e-paper display for always-on functionality. The device has a built-in microphone and speaker and can be used as a Bluetooth phone accessory for making/taking calls. It is also waterproof and dust resistant.
Both devices are compatible with Sony’s Lifelogging platform for tracking fitness activity and sharing via social networks.