Sorenson has released Squeeze 9, a major upgrade of its video transcoding software. The focus of the new version is on HTML5 support; using the appropriate preset will automatically generate MP4 and WebM videos along with an HTML5 page, the latter of which can be used on its own or as a source of code to embed. Using the twin video formats allows a clip to be seen in any major web browser.
The app’s interface has also seen a significant overhaul, both graphically and in terms of features. It should now for instance be easier to search for specific items, and workflow has been streamlined with things like previews before publishing, the ability to change settings after encoding and quickly republish, and better batch window cleanup, including simpler navigation and more screen space for folders. Some time-saving measures include improved closed captioning support, quick addition of pre- and post-roll clips, and integration with Squeeze Server 2.0.
Encoding times are said to average twice as fast as those for Squeeze 8, mainly due to a parallel processing technique that breaks video files into chunks and divides them between multiple processors. Adaptive bitrate encoding is said to offer similar speed boosts.
Also new is an updated Premiere CS6 plugin. Squeeze 9 costs $799 for the Standard edition, or $999 for Pro. Discounted upgrades are available for owners of Squeeze 6 or later. Pro is necessary for closed captioning and adaptive bitrate support, as well as compatibility with Apple ProRes and Avid DNxHD. All customers automatically get access to Sorenson 360 for review and approval functions.