First and foremost – I am the king of the typo. Spell check is my friend! Now when it comes to shipping a product – say – the Metal Gear Solid V Special Edition PlayStation 4 from Sony and Konami, one would thing they would run spell check on all the text that comes with it and is on it. One would would think!
Well, those who pre-ordered the Metal Gear Solid V Special Edition PlayStation 4 will forever be graced by a typo staring them in the face from their their brand new console.
Plus, they get a nice little chemistry lesson as well. Look below.
I totally understand, if you do not catch the mistake upon the first look at the photos below. The misspelled word is “molybdeum,” the 42nd element of the periodic table, the one Sony warns not to be used on the surface of the console as a lubricant. The correct spelling is “molybdenum,” BTW.
Again, it’s hardly an offensive spelling error, but if Sony and Konami ever get around to fixing it, the gaffe will make the already-sparse limited edition console even more valuable. The console was only available in Europe and Oceania as well, so the price of one in North America is going to be very high.