Film trailers over the years have the bad habit of featuring footage which doesn’t appear in the final cut of the movie.
Many times it is editing decision, like the shooting range scene for Black Widow in, should we say not, Avengers: Infinity War.
Many times, more that we like, it’s a fake-out to protect spoilers or increase ticket sales. Again Hello! Marvel Studios and this weeks release of Spider-Man: Far From Home.
In the trailer for the film, Peter Parker is shown doing a bunch of errands ahead of a planned European school trip, including a scene where he stops some thugs in his ‘Iron Spider’ suit and jokes with the local police before heading off.
None of those scenes are in the final film and, speaking with ScreenCrush, director Jon Watts says the scenes didn’t really fit in the final cut of the film and so were removed. However, Watts says they’re not going to leave fans hanging and says the plan is to use them for a short film to be included in the home video release:
“He had to pick up his passport. He went to Delmar’s Deli, which has been rebuilt since it was blown up in ‘Homecoming’. He had to get a travel adapter and his dual-headphone adapter for the flight. And he had to take down this giant gang. [laughs] Those are his list of things he had to do before he went on his trip. We cut it out of the movie just for pacing; it wasn’t really necessary. But we’ve turned it into its own little short film that will be on the Blu-ray and on the digital download.”
Spider-Man: Far From Home opens tomorrow.