The fate of the universe rests in the paws of Lou, an astral-projecting cat and his loving owner Kiara. Desperate to preserve the well-being of billions, their revolt against the status quo is a battle for love, friendship, and the soul of humanity, all brought to you from psychedelic space!
Strayed comes to you from the minds of writer and first-time comics creator Carlos Giffoni, artist and colorist Juan Doe (The Fantastic Four in Puerto Rico, The Legion of Monsters), and letterer Matt Krotzer (House of Fear, Retcon). They are joined by a host of talented variant cover artists: Dustin Ngyuen, Jim Mahfood, Alexis Ziritt, Matteo Scalera, and Sanford Greene.
Strayed #1 (of 5) from Dark Horse Comics arrives in comic shops August 14th and is available for pre-order now at your local comic shop.