The upcoming Super Smash Bros 4 for the Nintendo 3DS will feature a Tomodachi Life stage. This level will actually pull data from a player’s 3DS to populate the stage. This means their friends and Mii creations could show up and watch any battle in the game. The level was revealed by the game’s director Masahiro Sakurai on the MiiVerse earlier this week.
Tomodachi Life exceeded sales expectations for Nintendo in the U.S. making it one of the 3DS’s most popular titles. This basically made its themes a shoe-in for the Smash Bros. universe which encompasses characters from all different types of games. The next installment in the fighting series will also feature Sonic, Mario, Pac-Man and Mega Man. Nintendo announced the addition of four new fighters to the Super Smash Bros 4 character line-up earlier this month.
The new Smash Bros. games be released for both the Wii U and 3DS later this year. These will be the first official sequels to the Super Smash Bros Brawl which launched on the original Wii in 2008. Nintendo confirmed to in May that the 3DS version of Super Smash Bros will launch sometime in the summer this year. Wii U fans will have to wait until the winter to get their hands on this epic fighting title.