Utility and recovery software maker Micromat has unveiled the latest version of its flagship product TechTool Pro, now at version 7.0. The company says that the program has been “completely rewritten” for 64-bit and next-generation Macintosh computers, and now offers improved volume optimization routines, SPD check and report, advanced memory-testing features and compatibility with recently-released Macs. The new version also features compatibility with the pre-release version of OS X Mavericks, the forthcoming next major update to OS X.
The new RAM and Serial Presence Detect (SPD) tests are described by Christian Pickman, product manager for the software, as “one of the most advanced tests [the company has] ever created” and said it took two years to develop. The software can now test and locate faulty memory modules as well as mismatched speeds, which can cause issues that are normally hard to detect. With the wide availability of cheap RAM on the market, the company says, RAM issues are becoming more prevalent and can “cause a variety of crashes, program errors and even data loss.”
The utility handles directory repair, volume optimization, backup through cloning, diagnostic and preventative features and recovery techniques for misbehaving volumes. The new Techtool Pro 7 works with all Macs running OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and later. It retails for $100, but owners of earlier versions of TechTool Pro can upgrade for $40 directly through Micromat’s website.