Three of the PlayStation 2-era Star Wars games included with the Star Wars Battlefront PS4 bundle are now available to buy individually on PS4. The games are Star Wars: Racer Revenge, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, and Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, and you’ll find PlayStation Store download links below.
All of the games feature up-rendered 1080p graphics. They also all include Trophies and support for PlayStation services like Shareplay, Remote Play with PlayStation Vita, and activity feeds.
PlayStation Store PS4 Download Links:
Bounty Hunter and Racer Revenge are also available on PS3.
Super Star Wars also came with the Battlefront PS4 bundle–but it’s been available individually on PS4 (and PS Vita) for some time now.
These games cost $10 each. Sony’s PS2-on-PS4 functionality does not exactly constitute backwards compatibility, however, as you’ll have to buy these again even if you already own them and still have the discs.