Blumhouse has premiered a new trailer for their latest horror sequel Unfriended: Dark Web, a follow-up to 2014’s entirely desktop-set film which plays out in real time across computer screens
In the new film, penned and directed by Steven Sucso, a group of college-aged friends stumble into possession of the wrong laptop and when they take a peek at what’s inside. They discover what looks to be an underground human trafficking ring run through the dark web… and they’re the next victims. Betty Gabriel, Colin Woodell, Andrew Lees and Connor Del Rio star.
Timur Bekmambetav, who has produced practically every other computer desktop-as-a-movie film in recent years including the first “Unfriended,” “Profile” and the soon to open and highly acclaimed “Searching,” also produces here in what’s considered one of Blumhouse’s most vicious films to date.