Anna Konkle has landed a series regular role in Fox pilot, “The Untitled Autopsy Project,” Previously titled “Rosewood,” the investigative procedural medical drama centers around the top private pathologist in Miami, Dr. Beaumont Rosewood, who despite working with dead bodies, is eternally optimistic. Morris Chestnut (“Nurse Jackie,” “V”) is set for the lead role.
Konkle will play Kathy Fern Clyde, aka “KFC,” a hyper-neurotic DNA specialist who works in the lab.
Other series regulars are child actress Maggie Elizabeth Jones (“Ben and Kate,” “We Bought A Zoo”) and Jaina Lee Ortiz.
The project hails from 20th Century Fox TV and pilot scribe Todd Harthan (“Psych”) who will exec produce with “Revenge’s” Wyck Godfrey and Marty Bowen of Temple Hill Entertainment, and Richard Shepard (“Girls”), who’s set to direct.
Konkle’s credits include “Man Seeking Woman” and “New Girl.” She’ll also appear in the upcoming Comedy Central series, “Big Time In Hollywood, FL.”