Geeksphone has opened up pre-orders for an updated version of its developer handsets, this time aimed at the consumer market. The Peak+ offers an improved list of specifications compared to the original Peak and Keon devices released in April, including the 4.3-inch qHD display and version 1.1 of Firefox OS preinstalled.
Inside the Peak+ is a dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 running at 1.2GHz with 1GB of RAM, reports CNet. On the back is an 8-megapixel rear-facing camera with a 2-megapixel front-facing version, and it also has support for tri-band UMTS and HSPA, microSD expansion for its 4GB of storage, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.1, an FM Radio, and a 1,800mAh battery.
The Peak+ can currently be reserved for 149 euros ($197), though this will rise on the September 15th shipping date to a “standard” price.
Earlier this month, the first Firefox OS smartphones went on sale to the general public, in Spain. The ZTE Open was the initial device available with the mobile operating system, with the Alcatel One Touch Fire set to be available in the future.