Verizon Is Making Sure You Can Get Sand on Your Phone — Oops Make Calls from the Beach

Posted by at 1:44 pm on June 18, 2024

Today Verizon announced network upgrades for the beach areas of  the Jersey Shore, Hilton Head and Myrtle Beach, SC.

They also included some factoids from a survey – this is how the PR kids sweeten the deal to get us to write about such events. (Please Note: They did not include who or how the survey was conducted. To be fair we did not do a follow -up asking them.)

Factoids from the survey:

  • 75% of beachgoers typically use their phone at the beach.
  • Beachgoers are more likely to bring their phones to the beach than a chair, umbrella, or cooler.
  • Those who bring their phones to the beach are most commonly using them to take pictures (87%), text and call their friends and family (72%), and play music (66%).
  • Just under two thirds (63%) of beachgoers who bring their phones say they’ve used their phone for work
  • Among those who have worked from the beach, nearly 1 in 5 say they’ve done so secretly, without telling their boss or coworkers (18%).
  • More than a third of beachgoers (35%) say it would be worse to forget to bring their phone to the beach than to forget to reapply sunscreen.

Last year, the big V updated network systems for Virginia Beach, Daytona Beach, Fort Myers, Pensacola Beach, and several other Florida beaches.

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