Verizon has launched its rumored seven-inch tablet, one which connects to the carrier’s LTE network. The Ellipsis 7 tablet, running on Android Jelly Bean, is said by Verizon to be the first in a new Ellipsis family of devices, though the carrier did not suggest whether that extends to other sizes of tablets or even smartphones.
Weighing in at 0.79 pounds, the Ellipsis 7 uses a quad-core processor clocked at 1.2GHz with 1GB of RAM and 8GB of expandable storage, reports The Verge. Using a 1280×800 IPS display, it includes a rear-facing 3.2-megapixel camera, Wi-Fi connectivity, a 4,000mAh battery. Verizon Messages, an app which allows users to send and receive text messages from a tablet instead of from a smartphone, will also be included on the device, while its RedBox Instant streaming service is also being touted as usable on the tablet.
Verizon will be shipping the Ellipsis 7 from November 7th for $250, though for a limited time the carrier will also be offering $100 off the price of any tablet when bought with a two-year contract.