Volkswagen today announced that it’s joining the ranks of companies offering an Apple Watch app to go along with its broader mobile service.
VW’s Car-Net service has offered a variety of the standard “smart” features car manufacturers have built into their mobile apps. Features such as remote control of climate settings, checking if you left your windows open or where you parked, and fuel/battery monitoring are all available from iOS and Android apps.
All these features, the two parents are going to love and teens will hates are the speeding and geo location alerts. You can setup alerts when a specific driver in the family exceeds a set speed cap or leaves a certain location boundary.
Now Mom or Dad will need put in that effort to setup the Car-Net messages so they really stand! But if they do, it could lead to less than fun talk around the diner table
Other features include unlocking from the Watch (for cars from the 2016 model year). So now you don’t need to dig into a coat pocket or bag to find your keys. How did we live before the Apple Watch! LOL