Matthew Perry is reuniting with Lisa Kudrow. The “Friends” actor will guest star on two back-to-back episodes of Kudrow’s “Web Therapy.” He will play Tyler Bishop, a lawyer and pathological liar who is about to be disbarred and enlists the help of Fiona (Kudrow).
Perry’s guest appearance falls on the same week as the fourth-season premiere of Matt LeBlanc’s “Episodes” on Jan. 11, resulting in a mini “Friends” reunion for Showtime.
Also set to guest star on “Web Therapy” is another recurring “Friends” face, Christina Applegate, who will play Jenny Bologna, a fixer who offers her damage control services to Fiona. Applegate will appear on two episodes, airing Jan. 21 and Jan. 28.
Perry’s first episode of “Web Therapy” airs on Jan. 14, followed by another appearance on Jan. 21.