Motorola on Wednesday confirmed plans to launch the Xoom in a Wi-Fi version for the US. TThe non-3G tablet will ship to the US through Amazon, Best Buy, Costco, Radio Shack, some Sam’s Club stores, Staples and Walmart on March 27. Corporate buyers will also get access through Brightpoint and Synnex, as well.
Pricing will be $599 for a 32GB version.
The Wi-Fi version of the Xoom matches the 32GB iPad 2 Wi-Fi model in price exactly and will be similar to the 3G Xoom in features apart from the cellular link, including the 1GHz Tegra 2, 1GB of RAM, the 1280×800 display, the five-megapixel back camera and the front two-megapixel camera. Android 3.0 is completely stock on the Xoom and will get a beta of Flash 10.2 on March 18.