Want to join a scavenger hunt to win some get great prizes, including Best Buy gift cards and WiMAX-enabled laptops! Well today the Intel Wi-MAX Wander is hitting the streets of Seattle giving out clues via his Facebook, Twitter & Foursquare on where to find him. I ‘ve even been told some his stops will be near PAXs and Bumbershoot.
He’ll be answering questions about the wonders of WiMax and other things Intel, like the Core processors.
If you are not in Seattle you can still catch him on the road, he is coming to 5 more cities, which we’ve listed below. Even if you not in any of the cities listed below, you can still win by playing the national game at http://yfrog.com/intelwimax Details for how to participate are also in the podcast.
Below is an Audio podcast telling more about the contest and why WiMAX is such a game changer, with the Wander AKA Ben Samples and Kevin Patterson, Manager of Consumer Campaigns for Intel.
Run Time 7:27
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Again you can connect with the Wanderer on Facebook, Twitter & Foursquare.
List of Cities and Dates To Find the Wanderer
- Seattle -“ Sept. 4
- Chicago -“ Sept. 11
- Philadelphia -“ Sept. 18
- Austin -“ Sept.25
- Dallas -“ Oct. 2
- Houston -“ Oct. 9