Sony is now listing the successor to the Xperia S, the Xperia SL, as “coming soon” on its website. The GSM device weighs 5.1 ounces and has a scratch-resistant, 4.3-inch 1280×720 touchscreen capable of displaying 16 million colors. It also has a 12.1MP camera with 16x digital zoom and a pulsed LED flash.
Inside, the Xperia SL packs a 1.7GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S3. When the device was shown off earlier this year, it was said to have a 1.5GHz processor inside, but Sony has since improved the internals. The phone will be released running Android 4.0, and there is no word on when it may receive an update to version 4.1.
The Xperia SL will be available in four colors: gray, black, white, and pink. Sony has given no word on when the device will be available for purchase.