Today ZTE announced the Quartz smartwatch available exclusively on T-Mobile for under $200. The smartwatch sports Google Android Wear 2.0 and is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 2100 platform. The watch let’s you make calls, send and receive texts, share on social media, get directions, stream music, without being tethered to your smartphone.
“The launch of the ZTE Quartz smartwatch officially marks ZTE USA’s entry into the exciting wearable space,” said Lixin Cheng, chairman and CEO of ZTE USA. “We are known to push the boundaries of affordable premium smartphones. With this smartwatch, we are expanding our reach into the wearables segment and offering our consumers a rich, connected smartwatch experience while maintaining our affordability value proposition.”
- Connectivity: Make calls, text and stay connected no matter where you are all from your watch, utilizing T-Mobile’s network.
- Long Battery Life: Packing a large 500mAH battery, the Quartz is an all day device.
- Customization at Your Fingers: The watch supports interchangeable wrist bands and customizable watch faces
- IP67 Rated: Protection from water and dust gives allows you used your watch wherever you are.
- Crisp Display: The 1.4” AMOLED display, along with Gorilla Glass 3, delivers a great viewing experience
- Flexibility: The smartwatch can be used as a companion to your smartphone or as a standalone wearable device with the ability to make calls right from your wrist.
- Snapdragon Wear 2100: The smartwatch takes advantage of Qualcomm Technologies’ advanced Snapdragon Wear 2100 platform, which is designed specifically to meet the demanding battery life requirements of a compact smartwatch while delivering a responsive connected experience.